A Type Lined Diaphragm Valve is versatile and extensively used in industrial applications. Can handle up to 15% solids (depending on process conditions). Perfect valve for on/off or control applications on corrosive processes.
- PFA Perfluoroalkoxy SG Iron (white): Excellent suitability for concentrated strong acids at high temperature, aromatics, aliphatic and chlorinated solvents
- PFA Perfluoroalkoxy Stainless Steel (white): Demonstrates the highest chemical resistance of all Saunders linings and is ideal for high purity applications.
- ETFE Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (red): Suitable for strong acids, salts in water, solvents at medium temperature. ETFE has the highest abrasion resistance of all the fluorocarbon linings.
- PP Polypropylene (light grey): Economic solution for mineral acids, salts in water, de-ionised water and effluent treatment chemicals.
- PVDF Polyvinylidene Fluoride (black): Suitable for mineral acids, salts in water, water and effluent treatment, additionally it is the best solution for wet chlorine gas or chlorine in water.

- Used in many different applications, including strong acids. Very high corrosion and abrasion resistance within a wide range of temperature. Note that glass is not suitable for applications where thermal cycling occurs.

- HRL Hard Natural Rubber (Ebonite): Used for salts in water, diluted acids, de-ionised water, plating solutions and potable water. HRL has better chemical resistance than SRL.
- Butyl Isobutylene Isoprene: Great for corrosive & abrasive slurries, and acidic slurries. Additional applications are salts in water, dilute acids and alkalis, and lime.
- Neoprene Polychloroprene: Perfect solution for a combination of abrasive slurries containing hydrocarbons, sludge oils and also sea water.