One-way unidirectional knife gate valves are designed to block or allow the flow of a media in a piping system. They have a knife-edge blade that is positioned perpendicular to the direction of flow and can be raised or lowered to control the flow of the media. The unidirectional knife gate valve allows flow in only one direction and is used in systems where flow reversal is not desired or permitted. It is commonly used in wastewater, sewage, sludge, abrasive or corrosive fluid and other viscous media applications. One-way knife gate valves can be manufactured from different materials and sizes depending on the media and operating conditions.

EX Model
Uni-directional wafer style knife gate valve for general industrial applications
The EX model knife gate valve is a uni-directional wafer valve designed for general industrial service applications. The design of the body and seat assures non-clogging shutoff on suspended solids in industries such as:
- Pulp and Paper
- Power plants
- Wastewater treatment plants
- Chemical plants
- Food and Beverage
- Bulk handling
- Mining
- etc.
DN 50 to DN 1200 (larger diameters on request)
Working pressure:
- DN 50 to DN 250: 10 bar
- DN 300 to DN 400: 6 bar
- DN 450: 5 bar
- DN 500 to DN 600: 4 bar
- DN 700 to DN 1200: 2 bar
Standard flange connection:
EN1092 PN10
ASME B16.5 (class 150)
Other flange connection (on request):
EN1092 PN6/16/25
BS “D” and “E” ASME 125
» Consult EX Model Data Sheet

EK Model
Uni-directional high performance wafer style knife gate valve for general industrial applications
The EK model knife gate is a uni-directional wafer valve designed for general industrial service applications. The design of the body and seat assures non-clogging shutoff on suspended solids in industries such as:
- Pulp and Paper
- Power plants
- Wastewater treatment plants
- Chemical plants
- Food and Beverage
- Bulk handling
- Mining
- etc.
DN 50 to DN 1200 (DN superiores sob consulta).
Working pressure:
- DN 50 to DN 125: 16 bar
- DN 150 to DN 250: 10 bar
- DN 300 to DN 400: 6 bar
- DN 450: 5 bar (1)
- DN 500 to DN 600: 4 bar(1)
- DN 700 to DN 1200: 2 bar
(1)6 bar with duplex gate
Standard flanges connection:
EN1092 PN10
ASME B16.5 (clase 150)
Other flange connection (on request):
EN1092 PN6/16/25
BS “D” e “E”
ASME 125
Other on request.
» Consult Model EK Data Sheet

KP Model
Unidrectional wafer style knife gate valve for transmitter isolation
Orbinox KP valve provides isolation of an instrument level transmitter from a storage tank. Installation of this valve allows for transmitter replacement or maintenance without disruption of the process or draining of the vessel.
Working pressure:
DN80: 10 bar
Standard flange connection:
PN10 / ASME 150
» Consult Model KP Data Sheet

CX Model
Uni-directional NFPA full flange knife gate valve for coal burner isolation
The CX model knife gate valve is an uni-directional full-flange knife gate valve specially designed to isolate pulverized coal burner lines in coal fired power plants. The design of these valves follows the NFPA 85 requirements.
DN 200/8″ to DN 900/36″
Working pressure:
Exceeds 3,5 bar (50 psi) following NFPA 85
Standard flange connection:
ASME B16.5 (classe 150)